The program of training on labor law and personnel administration is as follows:
On labor legislation:
- The main provisions of the Labor Code;
- Employment contract, rules for concluding an employment contract;
- Term of employment contract;
- Entry into legal force and termination of the employment contract;
- Determining the trial period;
- Conditions of working conditions, additional conditions of working conditions, changing the conditions of working conditions
- Transfer to another job, performance of labor functions of another employee;
- Attestation of employees and workplaces;
- The bases and rules of termination of the employment contract, guarantees of employees during termination;
- Types of working time and regulation;
- Working time mode;
- Rest time and vacation rights of employees;
- Labor standards, labor payment standards, rules and guarantees;
- Salary;
- Wage payment forms, rules and deductions from wages;
- Average salary and its calculation procedure;
- Labor and performance discipline;
- Institutional disciplinary rules;
- For violations of labor and executive discipline and its application rules
- Rules, conditions for issuing disciplinary sanctions, duration of disciplinary sanctions and premature withdrawal;
- Mutual financial responsibility of the employer and employees;
- Full financial responsibility of the employee,
- Conclusion of full financial responsibility contract;
On personnel clerkship:
- Rules for documenting the conclusion, modification and termination of employment contracts;
- Rules for drafting all types of leave orders;
- Rules for drawing up notifications, acts, orders and decisions;
- Rules for drafting all types of termination orders;
- Rules for preparation of service information;
- Preparation of travel documents;
- Preparation of internal rules of discipline;
- Preparation of job instructions;
The procedure for carrying out operations on AMAS:
- Creation of structure;
- Creation of branches (departments);
- Establishment of states;
- Placing approved states on;
- The procedure for granting the employer's authority;
- Registration of labor contract notices;
- Registration of changes to the employment contract;
- Registration of termination orders;
- Creation of application for authorization of past date of employment contract notification;
- Creating an application for annulment of the termination order;
Training is taught from 0, and most importantly, FULLY PRACTICAL, working THROUGH THE OFFICIAL PORTAL. At the end of the training, you are ready to participate in business meetings and work in a fully professional manner. At the end of the training, you receive a certificate, a letter of recommendation and ongoing mentoring support.
Training duration: 12 lessons (2 times a week)
Ramin Hajiyev
Our trainer Ramin Hajiyev, who has been working as a Human Resources Manager for nearly 10 years, currently works as the head of the Human Resources Department at "AZLIFT PRO" CJSC.
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